Entries by Lou Fabian

In Calacoto

One of the areas that I visit the most is a part of La Paz called Calacoto; or Zona Sur.  I don’t mind the commute since I get to take the world’s highest cable car system!  I head down probably once or twice a month to meet with our lawyers and other partners. Where I live in Sopocachi […]

At the US Embassy

Hello, Everyone!  Apologies that it’s been a while since I last connected; it’s been a bit busy with lots of work, travel, and many other “life” things going on.  But, I’ll do my best to be more consistent here in the coming weeks, especially with some of the up-coming project location visits we’re planning in April… […]

In La Paz

Well, it was a great four+ weeks back in the States.  My top priority was seeing family and friends, and it was great across the board.  Plus, I was able to get in some ice and rock climbing, a visit to New York City, a tourist day in our backyard (Philly), and LOTS of food… re-gained […]

In New York City

I was in New York City this week, and two things really caught my attention.  First, was my trip up the Empire State Building.  I’ve never been up to the Observation Deck before, and it was a great experience… see one of the pictures below.  The second was that there are SO MANY different types of foods you […]

In Ouray

It’s become a bit of a tradition of ours to head to Ouray for New Years.  For those who aren’t aware, Ouray has the largest ice climbing park in the world.  It’s an amazing place, where a group of friends head down to get in some laps, catch up with good conversations, and just enjoy bringing in […]

In Philadelphia

As most of us this week, I’ve come back from Bolivia to spend some quality time with the family for the Holidays.  It’s going to be a whirlwind few weeks while I’m back in the States, with time planned in Philadelphia, Denver and also in New York City.  Plus, some ice climbing in Ouray, which I have […]

Villa Tunari

We had a chance to visit our next potential project locations earlier this week.  It was very exciting to continue to build on the progress we’ve made over the last six (6) months!  And personally, it was an interesting change of scenery for me going from La Paz to a town called Villa Tunari… which is effectively […]

At the Protests

Over the last six (6) months, I’ve tried to learn as much as possible while being in a foreign country.  Bolivia is a totally different place, with different cultures, languages, socio-economic backgrounds… you name it.  Growing up and being from Bolivia, the experiences and perspectives can be much different from that of people who’ve grown […]

Looking for Water

In the “just another experience” department, it’s been an eventful last couple of weeks.  The first experience is how La Paz was out of water for two (2) days.  Somewhere in the system a pipe broke, and many neighborhoods didn’t have water.  This type of situation sure makes things difficult: showers, washing dishes, making coffee… […]

Monthly Updates – November

It’s been a busy and productive month of November for Pidola.  The team has primarily been focused on one key area, which is fundraising.  This includes development of our new, October campaign (hopefully you have seen the posts!), as well as starting to really hone in on potential corporate sponsors and foundations & grants.   […]